Me he anotado en 2 intercambios!! Que ilusion me hace... tenía ganas de hacerlo después de haber leido acerca de tantos intercambios en vuestros blogs. Creo que será una experiencia preciosa.
Podeis ver los intercambios en la columna de la izquierda, son el de "Libreta alterada o biscornu" organizado por Najma, y el "Intercambio a la carta" de Emilia. Para el de Najma ya ha acabado el plazo para anotarse pero el de Emilia sigue abierto (para ir a la primera entrada que habla del intercambio en su blog pinchad en la columna de la izquierda en el dibujito).
I am enlisted for 2 swaps!! I am so enthusiastic about it... I was eager to do it after reading about so many swaps in your blogs. I think it will be a wonderful experience.
You can see the swaps in the column on the left, they are the "Altered notebook or biscornu" organised by Najma, and the "Intercambio a la carta" by Emilia. For Najma's the deadline for enlisting is over, but Emilia's one is still open (to see the first comment talking about the swap in her blog, click on the drawing at the left).
jueves, 28 de agosto de 2008
domingo, 24 de agosto de 2008
Mi punto de cruz
Hola de nuevo!
Sólo quería enseñaros lo que estoy haciendo en punto de cruz (alguien sugirió en un comentario que sería lo siguiente a lo que me engancharía, pero demasiado tarde, ya lo estaba!, aunque lo tenía aparcado porque me urgía terminar las colchitas de los bebés). Es una parte de una composición con varías orquídeas que mide unos 40 cm de lado. Me falta hacer aún dos tiestos más y no se, como 5 flores... pero pasito a pasito lo iré terminando.
Hi there again!
I just wanted to show you what I am doing in X-stitch (someone suggested in a comment that it would be the following thing I would become addicted to, but too late, I already was!, though I had it aside because I was in a hurry with the baby quilts). It is a part of a composition with several orchids that is 40 cm long. I still have to do two more flowerpots and, don´t know, somthing like 5 more flowers... but step by step I will be finishing it.
viernes, 22 de agosto de 2008
A contrarreloj...
A contrarreloj y en el límite he conseguido terminar las colchitas para los peques Pablo y Antón antes justo de ir a visitarlos a casa de mi compi de trabajo. ¿A que me han quedado bonitas? Estoy muy orgullosa porque es mi primer diseño de patchwork (bueno, los patrones de las letras los encontre en internet, pero la idea final es mía :). Como podreis notar si os fijáis una de ellas está más acolchada que la otra (problemas de tiempo) y a la de Pablo le unimos los cuadritos y las tiras laterales a máquina, pero todo el resto está hecho a mano. Definitivamente tengo que aprender a coser a máquina, adelanta mucho trabajo a veces.

Against the clock and in the deadline I have managed to finish the little quilts for the babies Pablo and Anton, just before visiting them at home. Don´t you like them? I am very proud of them because it is my first patchwork design (well, the patterns for the letters I found them on the internet, but the final idea was mine :). As you might notice one of them is more quilted than the other (timing problems), and in Pablo's, we put together the square pieces by machine, but the rest is all hand-sewed and quilted. Definitely I must learn how to machine-sew, it is crucial sometimes to save time.
Against the clock and in the deadline I have managed to finish the little quilts for the babies Pablo and Anton, just before visiting them at home. Don´t you like them? I am very proud of them because it is my first patchwork design (well, the patterns for the letters I found them on the internet, but the final idea was mine :). As you might notice one of them is more quilted than the other (timing problems), and in Pablo's, we put together the square pieces by machine, but the rest is all hand-sewed and quilted. Definitely I must learn how to machine-sew, it is crucial sometimes to save time.
martes, 19 de agosto de 2008
Un poquito de bisutería...
Como os contaba en mi primer post, empecé en esto a través de la aguja de bisutería, y aunque ahora la tengo algo abandonada, os quiero enseñar algunas de las cositas que hice con cristales de Swaroski. Como veis, me encantan los pendientes, más que ninguna otra cosa, aunque también he hecho alguna pulserita (me las pongo menos).
As I told you in my first post, I started in the patchwork through the jewelry needlework, and though I have abandoned it a bit now, I want to show you some of the things that I did with Swaroski cristals. As you can see I like earrings the most, though I have also made some bracelets (I use them less).
Y este es un invento de mi madre para tener colgaditos y a la vista los pendientes. Lo tengo colgado en una columna del baño, entre los dos espejos, y es una idea genial, ya no tengo que andar rebuscando en el joyero para buscar los que me combinan con la ropa cada mañana ;)
And this is a creation of my mum to hang the earrings and have them where thay can be easily seen. I have it hanging on a pillar of the toilet, between the two mirrors, and it is a great idea, now I do not have to dive into the jewel box to look for those earring that suit my clothes each morning ;)
lunes, 18 de agosto de 2008
Mi Baby Jane
Hace unos días me llegó el paquete con el libro, el software y el pin de Dear Jane y estoy tan emocionada... que he creado un blog paralelo para ir escribiendo un diario de este viaje que comienza y que seguro me llevará muuuuuucho tiempo, bloque a bloque, puntada a puntada... hasta tener terminado mi Baby Jane.
I am decided! I am on the Dear Jane!
Few days ago I received the package with the book, the software and the pin from Dear jane and I am so happy... that I have created a paralel blog to start writing a diary about this journey that begins and that for sure will take me looooooots of time, block by block, seam after seam... until I have my Baby Jane finished.
domingo, 17 de agosto de 2008
El famoso cojín-manta
Por fin he conseguido terminar el famoso cojín-manta que tenía en camino (en realidad mi primer proyecto de patchwork que estaba inacabado porque tenia que coser la manta a mano y me daba pereza). Mi madre me echó una mano y la cosimos a máquina, pero el resto está cosido a mano, acolchado incluido.
Al final parece que ha quedado bien, y ¡es tan calentita! con la cara interior de franela será genial para sentarse a ver la tele o coser en invierno... :)
At last I have managed to finish the famous "quillow" I had on its way (actually my first patchwork project that I had unfinished because I had to sew the blanket by hand and I was feeling lazy about it). My mum gave me a hand and we machine-sewed it, but the rest of it is hand-sewed, quilting included.
At the end it seems it resulted ok, and it is so warm! with the inner side made of flannel it will be great to sit and watch TV or sew in winter... :)
Al final parece que ha quedado bien, y ¡es tan calentita! con la cara interior de franela será genial para sentarse a ver la tele o coser en invierno... :)
At last I have managed to finish the famous "quillow" I had on its way (actually my first patchwork project that I had unfinished because I had to sew the blanket by hand and I was feeling lazy about it). My mum gave me a hand and we machine-sewed it, but the rest of it is hand-sewed, quilting included.
At the end it seems it resulted ok, and it is so warm! with the inner side made of flannel it will be great to sit and watch TV or sew in winter... :)
lunes, 11 de agosto de 2008
Alfiletero Pin Blossom
Por cierto, Adi, gracias por tus ánimos!! Eres la primera en hacer comentarios en mi blog!
Following the fantastic instructions of Adi's blog I tried to to the flower pincushion. It was a bit over my expertise and I gave it a few tried before I found the right way, bit I think I finally managed to do it, a bit sloppy in the seams but well, next one will look better.
By the way, Adi, thanks for your encouragement!! You are the first one to comment in my blog!
domingo, 10 de agosto de 2008
Marchando un album web...
Esta mañana he estado ocupada haciendo un guardatijeras siguiendo las instrucciones de Chelo en su blog y me ha quedado chulísimo, aunque claro, como yo lo hago todo a mano (no tengo máquina de coser), pues no lleva el festón de los bordes, solo le he puesto un pequeño acolchado sencillo. ¿Que os parece?
Buff!! How much work... I have been sewing and blogging since yesterday. I have opened my first picasa album to upload the images of what I am finishing (you can see it in the left) and now I will be linking other patchwork blogs... (hope nobody is bothered, if that is the case please tell me:)
This morning I have been very busy doing a scissor-keeper following instructions of Chelo in her blog and I think it ended up quite nice, though since I do all my sewing by hand (I have no sewing machine) it has a different outline in the borders, just a plain quilting. What do you think?
sábado, 9 de agosto de 2008
Unir retalitos...
Todo empezó cuando mi amiga Merce me convenció para que fuese con ella a clases de manualidades, allá por el mes de Octubre de 2007. Hice una cajita preciosa con fotos antiguas de mi familia, un belén para navidad, empecé una botella y un vaso en estaño y también un par de camisetas... pero lo mío no era el pincel.
Un día me decidí a probar con la bisutería y me gustó la sensación de la aguja entre los dedos y acabé atreviéndome con el patchwork. Empecé las clases en Febrero de 2008. Nunca había hecho ningún tipo de labor. Y eso que mi madre es una artista, lo mismo cose, que ganchilla, hace cortinas, bolillos, etc... no se por qué nunca había imaginado que a mí también se me daría bien esto.
Me faltó el tiempo para zambullirme en internet y buscar paginas que me enseñaran más y más sobre este interesante mundo, y así acabé encontrando los blogs de otra gente enamorada del patchwork que me sirven de inspiración. Gracias a tod@s vosotr@s.
Solo quedaba que yo también creara mi propio blog... :)
Aquí está, para los que quieran visitarlo. BIENVENID@S!
Everything started when my friend Merce convinced me to go with her to handicrafts lessons, back in October 2007. I made a small little box with old family pictures, a nativity scene for X-mas, I started a tin bottle and glass and also a pair of t-shirts... but I was not enthusiastic about paintbrush.
One day I decided to try with jewelry and I liked the feeling of the needle in my fingers and ended up trying with the patchwork technique. I started my lessons in february 2008. I had never done any kind of needlework. Eventhough my mum is an artist, she sews, makes crochet, curtains, bobbin lace... I don´t know why I never imagined I would also like it.
I soon dove into the internet to search for pages to learn more and more about this interesting world, and this is how I ended up finding the blogs of other people in love with the patchwork that now serve me as inspiration. Thanks to all of you.
Last step was to create my own blog... )
Here it is, for those who want to visit. WELCOME!
Un día me decidí a probar con la bisutería y me gustó la sensación de la aguja entre los dedos y acabé atreviéndome con el patchwork. Empecé las clases en Febrero de 2008. Nunca había hecho ningún tipo de labor. Y eso que mi madre es una artista, lo mismo cose, que ganchilla, hace cortinas, bolillos, etc... no se por qué nunca había imaginado que a mí también se me daría bien esto.
Me faltó el tiempo para zambullirme en internet y buscar paginas que me enseñaran más y más sobre este interesante mundo, y así acabé encontrando los blogs de otra gente enamorada del patchwork que me sirven de inspiración. Gracias a tod@s vosotr@s.
Solo quedaba que yo también creara mi propio blog... :)
Aquí está, para los que quieran visitarlo. BIENVENID@S!
Everything started when my friend Merce convinced me to go with her to handicrafts lessons, back in October 2007. I made a small little box with old family pictures, a nativity scene for X-mas, I started a tin bottle and glass and also a pair of t-shirts... but I was not enthusiastic about paintbrush.
One day I decided to try with jewelry and I liked the feeling of the needle in my fingers and ended up trying with the patchwork technique. I started my lessons in february 2008. I had never done any kind of needlework. Eventhough my mum is an artist, she sews, makes crochet, curtains, bobbin lace... I don´t know why I never imagined I would also like it.
I soon dove into the internet to search for pages to learn more and more about this interesting world, and this is how I ended up finding the blogs of other people in love with the patchwork that now serve me as inspiration. Thanks to all of you.
Last step was to create my own blog... )
Here it is, for those who want to visit. WELCOME!
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