Little by little I can show you my advances in this Mistery Quilt organized by Helen. It will be a present for somebody that does not expect it because she does not read the blogs... I hope she likes it.
miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2009
The Great Summer Holiday Mistery Quilt
Voy avanzando con este Mistery Quilt que organizó Helen. Será un regalo para alguien que no se lo espera porque no visita los blogs... a ver si le gusta.

Little by little I can show you my advances in this Mistery Quilt organized by Helen. It will be a present for somebody that does not expect it because she does not read the blogs... I hope she likes it.
Little by little I can show you my advances in this Mistery Quilt organized by Helen. It will be a present for somebody that does not expect it because she does not read the blogs... I hope she likes it.
lunes, 25 de mayo de 2009
Regalitos... ¡porque me lo merezco!
¿Me he vuelto loca? Noooooo, ¡es que me lo merezo!
Have I gone crazy? Noooooo, it is just that I deserve it!
Algunas ya lo sabeis pero a las demás os lo cuento ahora; ayer domingo fue mi último día como especialista en formación y desde hoy tengo mi titulito de especialista en medicina de familia... así que para celebrarlo me he regalado todas estas cositas. Han sido 4 años muy intensos aprendiendo de gente increíble y que me han enseñado todo lo que sé de medicina, y aunque aún me queda mucho que aprender y que estudiar (porque en mi profesión estamos siempre aprendiendo), a partir de ahora ya será por mi cuenta. Cambio de lugar y de compañeros de trabajo, será una nueva etapa en mi vida, que seguro me llenará igualmente de satisfacciones, aunque me entre algo de "canguelo" en las primeras guardias como adjunta. ¡Deseadme suerte!
Some of you already know it, but for the other I tell you now; yesterday sunday was my last day as a specialist in training and from today I have my degree as a specialist in family medicine... this is why, to celebrate it I have bought myself all these things. It has been 4 very intense years, learning from incredible people that have taught me all I know of medicine, and although I still have a lot to learn and study (because in my work are always learning), from now on I will be on my own. I change my place of work and my colleagues, it will be a new phase in my life, that for sure will bring lots of satisfaction, though I might be a bit frightened in my first shifts as a specialist. Wish me luck!
Y aunque creía que ahora iba a tener más tiempo para coser, al final resulta que no va a ser así porque hoy tras la reunión con la directora médica de mi área he salido con un montón de trabajo porque el mes de junio es un mes difícil ya que las oposiciones de atención primaria de Galicia son a finales de mes y necesitarán echar mano de los que no nos vamos a presentar, asi que... ¡a currar toca! Intentaré no dejar los SALs muy abandonados y sobre todo, acabar el regalo de mi amiga sorpresa del Intercambio Zakka de Najma... a ponerse las pilas, pues...
And although I though I would have more time to sew now, at the end it turns out it won´t be like this because today after the meeting with the medical director of my area, I went out with lots of work to be done, since june is a difficult month because there will be official exams at the end of the month and they need the people who is not presenting the exam to work as substitutes,... let's work then! I will try not to abandon the SALs too much and more importantly finish the present of my surprise friend of the Zakka Swap of Najma... let's work then...
Have I gone crazy? Noooooo, it is just that I deserve it!
Some of you already know it, but for the other I tell you now; yesterday sunday was my last day as a specialist in training and from today I have my degree as a specialist in family medicine... this is why, to celebrate it I have bought myself all these things. It has been 4 very intense years, learning from incredible people that have taught me all I know of medicine, and although I still have a lot to learn and study (because in my work are always learning), from now on I will be on my own. I change my place of work and my colleagues, it will be a new phase in my life, that for sure will bring lots of satisfaction, though I might be a bit frightened in my first shifts as a specialist. Wish me luck!
Y aunque creía que ahora iba a tener más tiempo para coser, al final resulta que no va a ser así porque hoy tras la reunión con la directora médica de mi área he salido con un montón de trabajo porque el mes de junio es un mes difícil ya que las oposiciones de atención primaria de Galicia son a finales de mes y necesitarán echar mano de los que no nos vamos a presentar, asi que... ¡a currar toca! Intentaré no dejar los SALs muy abandonados y sobre todo, acabar el regalo de mi amiga sorpresa del Intercambio Zakka de Najma... a ponerse las pilas, pues...
And although I though I would have more time to sew now, at the end it turns out it won´t be like this because today after the meeting with the medical director of my area, I went out with lots of work to be done, since june is a difficult month because there will be official exams at the end of the month and they need the people who is not presenting the exam to work as substitutes,... let's work then! I will try not to abandon the SALs too much and more importantly finish the present of my surprise friend of the Zakka Swap of Najma... let's work then...
jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009
Más casitas...
domingo, 10 de mayo de 2009
Nudo chino de la buena suerte
Some time ago I saw this knot in a blog and decided I had to learn how to do it myself... and then, when this accident happened with my cousin I told myself... for her, for her to be lucky and have the strength to come over it. This is why yesterday I started with it and made my first chinese knot to put it in a bookmarker... this way she will be able to use it soon, when she is a bit better and while she is in hospital
Los nudos chinos se consideran pruebas de amor y de afecto y este, el de la Buena Suerte, se cree que trae venturas a quien lo lleva y a quien lo regala.
Chinese knots are considered proofs of love and affection and this one, the Good Luck one, it is believed to bring fortune to that who wears it and the one who gives it as a present.
Es curioso, pero alguna de vosotras ya sabeis que si hay un color que no me llama nada es el azul... no suelo comprar cosas azules, ni telas azules, nunca me ha gustado especialmente este color... Pues bien, cuando pensé en mi prima se me vino a la cabeza este color... y su madre cuando se lo di ayer en el hospital me dijo que era "su color". Yo no lo sabía... ¿No es increíble? Al final, va a ser que sí tengo algo de "meiga" :)))
Quite surprinsingly, some of you already know that if there is a colour I do not specially like is blue... I normally do not buy blue things, or blue fabrics, I never liked this particular colour... Well, when I thought of my cousin I could not think in another colour... and her mum told me when I gave her the present yesterday in the hospital that is was "her colour". I did not know... isn't it incredible? Finally, it seems I do have a "witchy" side :)))) (Note: "meiga" means witch in Galician, good witch though :))
sábado, 9 de mayo de 2009
SAL Casitas Paper Piecing
Aprovechando que hoy tenía que poner lavadoras y hacer cosas en casa me tomé un ratito para mi, para ponerme con el primer objetivo del SAL Casitas que organiza Anna.
Aquí esta... para ser lo primero que hago en paper piecing no me ha quedado del todo mal ¿verdad?, aunque... ¡vaya trocitos tan pequeños!!!
Since I had to stay at home to wash some clother and do some housework I took a little time for myself, to start with the first objective of the SAL Casitas organized by Anna.
Here it is... to be the first thing I do in paper piecing it does not look too bad, does it?, though... such small pieces!!!!
Aquí esta... para ser lo primero que hago en paper piecing no me ha quedado del todo mal ¿verdad?, aunque... ¡vaya trocitos tan pequeños!!!
Here it is... to be the first thing I do in paper piecing it does not look too bad, does it?, though... such small pieces!!!!
viernes, 8 de mayo de 2009
Encuentro de "palilleiras"
¡Hola a tod@s!
Como las cosas con mi primita van bien, y aprovechando que hoy tenia que hacer unas cosillas en casa antes de subir al hospital, aprovecho para subiros un post que os había prometido y que tenía pendiente desde hace tiempo...
Hi to all!
Since things with my cousin go quite well, and today that I must do some stuff at home before I go to the hospital, I am publishing a post that I had promised and I had pending...
El domingo dia 26 de abril fui con mi profe de manualidades y con la profe de bolillos de la Asociacion Cultural "A Silva" a un encuentro de "palilleiras" que tuvo lugar en Pontevedra, organizado por la asociación "A Fieitiña". Alli unas 800 palilleiras se juntaron para hacer encaje de bolillos, y no os podeis imaginar qué maravillas se veían. Os dejo algunas fotos de muestra.
Sunday, the 26th of April I wnt with my handcrafts teacher and the teacher of bobbin lace from "A Silva" cultural association, to a meeting of "palilleiras" that took place in Pontevedra, organised by "A Fieitiña" Association. There around 800 palilleiras met to do bobbin lace and you cannot imagine the wonderful things that you could see there. Here you have some pictures.

Por supuesto, me compré también unas cosillas... que podéis ver aquí abajo: Una lanzadera y el libro para aprender a hacer frivolité, otro tipo de encaje que se basa en ir haciendo nudos, unas agujas de bordar, hilos, un alfiler de bolillos y un imán para recoger los alfileres y las agujas cuando se caen al suelo.
A todas las asistentes nos regalaron también algo, es esa cosa de madera que veis y que sirve, cuando estás haciendo una puntilla de bolillos para ir enrollandola en la parte alta de la almohada. ¡Y me tocó un premio de las cosas que sorteaban en la rifa! Es el collar que veis en la foto, una monada... una pena que no me tocara el mueble para hacer bolillos en su lugar ;)))
Of course, I bought also some things... you can see them here: A "navette" and the book to learn how to do "Frivolité", a special type of lace that is made with knots, some embroidery needles, threads, a beautiful pin, and a magnet to pick up pins and needles when they fall on the floor.
To all attendants they gave us as a present a piece of wood that is for rolling the lace while to are doing it on top of the pillow. And I got a present in the lottery they organised! It is the collar you can see in the picture, nice one... pity I did not get the pillow to do bobbin lace instead ;)))
Como las cosas con mi primita van bien, y aprovechando que hoy tenia que hacer unas cosillas en casa antes de subir al hospital, aprovecho para subiros un post que os había prometido y que tenía pendiente desde hace tiempo...
Hi to all!
Since things with my cousin go quite well, and today that I must do some stuff at home before I go to the hospital, I am publishing a post that I had promised and I had pending...
Sunday, the 26th of April I wnt with my handcrafts teacher and the teacher of bobbin lace from "A Silva" cultural association, to a meeting of "palilleiras" that took place in Pontevedra, organised by "A Fieitiña" Association. There around 800 palilleiras met to do bobbin lace and you cannot imagine the wonderful things that you could see there. Here you have some pictures.
A todas las asistentes nos regalaron también algo, es esa cosa de madera que veis y que sirve, cuando estás haciendo una puntilla de bolillos para ir enrollandola en la parte alta de la almohada. ¡Y me tocó un premio de las cosas que sorteaban en la rifa! Es el collar que veis en la foto, una monada... una pena que no me tocara el mueble para hacer bolillos en su lugar ;)))
Of course, I bought also some things... you can see them here: A "navette" and the book to learn how to do "Frivolité", a special type of lace that is made with knots, some embroidery needles, threads, a beautiful pin, and a magnet to pick up pins and needles when they fall on the floor.
To all attendants they gave us as a present a piece of wood that is for rolling the lace while to are doing it on top of the pillow. And I got a present in the lottery they organised! It is the collar you can see in the picture, nice one... pity I did not get the pillow to do bobbin lace instead ;)))
miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2009
Buenas noticias
Hola a todas...
Lo primero agradeceros a todas muchisimo vuestro apoyo... y todos los mensajitos, emails y llamadas que me habeis enviado, sois un amor.
Y tambien contaros rapidamente que mi primita evoluciona favorablemente dentro de lo grave que ha sido asi que estamos muy contentos... parece que todo va a salir bien :) aunque necesitará muchos días en el hospital y mucha rehabilitacion pues fue un politraumatismo muy severo y aunque le queda operarse de nuevo pero ya de forma programada para fijar unas vertebras cervicales, estoy segura de que saldrá de esto porque es una campeona.
Gracias a todas, me voy corriendo al hospital otra vez.
Hi to all...
First of all I want to thank you all for your support... all the messages, emails and phone calls I have received, you are the best.
And also tell you very shortly that my cousin evolves well within the severity of the accident, adn we are very happy... it seems everything is going to go well :) though it will need a lot of time in hospital and a lot of rehabilitation since it was a very severe politraumatism, and though she will need programmed surgery again to stabilize the neck, I am sure she will get over this, because she is a champion.
Thanks to all, I am going back to the hospital in a hurry.
Lo primero agradeceros a todas muchisimo vuestro apoyo... y todos los mensajitos, emails y llamadas que me habeis enviado, sois un amor.
Y tambien contaros rapidamente que mi primita evoluciona favorablemente dentro de lo grave que ha sido asi que estamos muy contentos... parece que todo va a salir bien :) aunque necesitará muchos días en el hospital y mucha rehabilitacion pues fue un politraumatismo muy severo y aunque le queda operarse de nuevo pero ya de forma programada para fijar unas vertebras cervicales, estoy segura de que saldrá de esto porque es una campeona.
Gracias a todas, me voy corriendo al hospital otra vez.
Hi to all...
First of all I want to thank you all for your support... all the messages, emails and phone calls I have received, you are the best.
And also tell you very shortly that my cousin evolves well within the severity of the accident, adn we are very happy... it seems everything is going to go well :) though it will need a lot of time in hospital and a lot of rehabilitation since it was a very severe politraumatism, and though she will need programmed surgery again to stabilize the neck, I am sure she will get over this, because she is a champion.
Thanks to all, I am going back to the hospital in a hurry.
lunes, 4 de mayo de 2009
Triste... :(
Me temo que no voy a estar muy activa esta temporada. En el autobus que tuvo el accidente ayer en Santiago iba una prima mia de 17 años.
Es una de las que están más graves, ayer a las 12 de la noche aun no habia salido del quirofano. Estamos destrozados y mis primos necesitan ahora de todo mi apoyo porque nos esperan muchos dias de hospital. Asi que a ellos voy a dedicar mis dos semanas de vacaciones que empezaron el pasado viernes y lo que haga falta detras.
Un beso a todas y hasta la vuelta...
I am afraid I won´t be too active these days. In the bus accident that happened yesterday here in Santiago, there was one of my cousins, 17 yrs old.
She is one of the girls with a most severe status, yesterday at 12pm of the night she was still in surgery. We are in despair and my cousins need now all my support because we have a lot of hospital days in front of us. So... to them I am dedicanting my two weeks holiday that started last friday and what comes next.
Kisses to all and see you soon...
Me temo que no voy a estar muy activa esta temporada. En el autobus que tuvo el accidente ayer en Santiago iba una prima mia de 17 años.
Es una de las que están más graves, ayer a las 12 de la noche aun no habia salido del quirofano. Estamos destrozados y mis primos necesitan ahora de todo mi apoyo porque nos esperan muchos dias de hospital. Asi que a ellos voy a dedicar mis dos semanas de vacaciones que empezaron el pasado viernes y lo que haga falta detras.
Un beso a todas y hasta la vuelta...
I am afraid I won´t be too active these days. In the bus accident that happened yesterday here in Santiago, there was one of my cousins, 17 yrs old.
She is one of the girls with a most severe status, yesterday at 12pm of the night she was still in surgery. We are in despair and my cousins need now all my support because we have a lot of hospital days in front of us. So... to them I am dedicanting my two weeks holiday that started last friday and what comes next.
Kisses to all and see you soon...
viernes, 1 de mayo de 2009
Mas telitas lilas
¡Hoy he recibido más telitas lilas!!
Me las envian Júlia y Ana Miranda. ¿A que son una monadita? Gracias chicas, sois geniales.
I have received today more violet fabrics!!
They are sent by Júlia and Ana Miranda. Arent't they beautiful? Thanks girls, you are great.
También me ha llegado este pedido de hilos de seda para un proyecto muy especial, en cuanto avance un poco os lo enseñaré... el hilo que usaré es del que veis más cantidad, los otros los pedí para proyectos chiquitos y tener algo de variedad... son increiblemente bonitos, brillan y todo... tengo unas ganas de empezar a bordar con ellos... :)
I also received this shipment with silk floss for a very special project, as soon as I can I will show you the progress... the floss I will use is the one you can see there is more amount, the others I ordered them to have some variety and do small projects... they are incredibly beautiful, they glow... I am looking forward to start stitching with them... :)

Tengo otro post pendiente en el que quiero contaros mi fin de semana pasado, no tengo tiempo para nada, ya veis pero a ver si me da tiempo mañana de subirlo antes de coger el avión. ¡Me voy a Barcelona!... a pasar el fin de semana con mi maridín que se viene de Italia y quedamos alli... fin de semana romanticón... así que nos vemos a la vuelta, si no escribo mañana ;))))))
I have another post pending in which I want to tell you about last weekend, I am not having much time nowadays, you see, but I will try to write tomorrow morning before I catch my plain. I am going to Barcelona!... to spend the weekend with my dear husband that comes from Italy and we will meet there... romantic weekend... so, see you on sunday night, if not tomorrow :;))
Me las envian Júlia y Ana Miranda. ¿A que son una monadita? Gracias chicas, sois geniales.
I have received today more violet fabrics!!
They are sent by Júlia and Ana Miranda. Arent't they beautiful? Thanks girls, you are great.
I also received this shipment with silk floss for a very special project, as soon as I can I will show you the progress... the floss I will use is the one you can see there is more amount, the others I ordered them to have some variety and do small projects... they are incredibly beautiful, they glow... I am looking forward to start stitching with them... :)
Tengo otro post pendiente en el que quiero contaros mi fin de semana pasado, no tengo tiempo para nada, ya veis pero a ver si me da tiempo mañana de subirlo antes de coger el avión. ¡Me voy a Barcelona!... a pasar el fin de semana con mi maridín que se viene de Italia y quedamos alli... fin de semana romanticón... así que nos vemos a la vuelta, si no escribo mañana ;))))))
I have another post pending in which I want to tell you about last weekend, I am not having much time nowadays, you see, but I will try to write tomorrow morning before I catch my plain. I am going to Barcelona!... to spend the weekend with my dear husband that comes from Italy and we will meet there... romantic weekend... so, see you on sunday night, if not tomorrow :;))
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