I have put myself to work and worked in a BOM I am doing that had apart (I can´t just do x-stitch, this blog was created because of patchwork and lately I am doing none). And with the invaluable help of my new working mate (Berni for friends) I have finished two more blocks.
Este se llama Sawtooth Star y no veais la que he liado con las costuras que lleva. Para que os hagáis una idea, tal y como dicen en el patrón que hay que hacerlo las costuras de los bordes del cuadrado ¡¡llevan 6 telas!!!. Si, parece increible pero es cierto, menos mal que este ya lo he hecho a maquina porque a mano a ver quien es la guapa que cose a través de 6 telas. Otra dificultad fue que me casasen bien las costuras en punta y en ángulo recto, como nunca lo he hecho a máquina aún estoy explorando diferentes métodos con más o menos suerte. Lo último que hice fue colocar alfileres en los puntos de union y pasar unas puntadas a máquina en esos puntos (como si hilvanara), y luego quité los alfileres y cosi toda la costura... Bueno, para ser la primera vez no me ha quedado del todo mal. Seguro que el segundo (hay que hacer 2) me saldrá mejor. ¿Qué os parece?
This one is called Sawtooth Star and you do not want to know the mess I made with the seams. To give you a picture, as it states in the pattern the seams around the central square are made with 6 fabric layers!!! Yes, I know it looks impossible but it true, thank God I made this one with the machine, because I want to see who is the brave one to sew this by hand going through 6 layers of fabric. Another difficulty was to make the seams in angle fit, since I never did this by machine, I am still exploring different methods with more or less luck. Last I tried was to put pins in the meeting points and do sew a little bit there, and then removed the pins and sewed the whole seam... well to be the first one I think it is not too bad. I am sure that the second one (I must do 2) will be better. What do you think?
I also made one of the 6 Nine Patch blocks that we are supposed to do in these fabrics... with this one I had another problem, besides the seams in the unions, and it was that I do not know why, the strips seam allowances were a bit too short (a bit less than 1/4 inch) and since the big squares were right in size, you do not want to see what a mess I made to put them together... but improvising turned out quite ok. All can be improved...
Y por último os enseño los bloques que llevo hasta ahora... va creciendo la colección. Por cierto, del bloque más marroncito... ¿sabríais decirme cuál de los dos está a cosido a mano y cuál a máquina?
And last I show you the blocks I have made so far... the collection is growing. By the way, of the chocolate coloured blocks... could you tell which one is hand-sewn and which machine-sew?